Become Your Own VIP: The Course




Become Your Own VIP is all about putting YOU first and your stress last. Here are some things I hear when I ask people what they find hard about self-care, wellbeing and burnout:

🥴️ I’ll be able to catch up with myself when things are less busy
🥴️ I can’t ask for help, I don’t want to be a burden
🥴️ I am actually fine really, it’s not that bad…
🥴️ I don’t have time to look after myself – others need me more
🥴️ I can’t change now, there’s too much ingrained – it’s just who I am

These sound super true and accurate, right? Been there, done that, got the t-shirt and one of those free lanyards they hand out too

However, the harsh truth of reality is that (brace yourself, this might feel ouchy! 😬):

🎫 Things are never going to be magically less busy – you have to choose to rethink your priorities on purpose
🎫 Asking for help is the greatest sign of strength – not weakness
🎫 You’re not fine – you were not even made to be ‘fine’, you were made to flourish!
🎫 Taking care of you first allows you to take even greater care of others
🎫 You are ALWAYS capable of changing – if you can’t believe that, you can borrow my belief in you until you do 😉

If any of this sounds familiar, luckily for you, you are not alone! This is a super common thing that us human beings feel from time to time and usually it isn’t a problem. However, when we keep moving ourselves further and further down our care list, we can start to get overstressed – and that is when burnout can loom in the horizon… 👀

This series of recordings are purposefully designed to not only give you information but for you to immediately take ACTION on that information. Did you know that research shows the percentage rate for completion of online courses is somewhere between 5 and 15 percent?! You have built in support to complete this course so that it won’t be just another course you added to your already somewhat dusty collection (No judgement or shame here – I see you! Been there, done that!)

One of the biggest things people tell me they struggle with when it comes to self-care is not having time to implement the things that they know are good for them. After these recordings, you will know exactly what the next step is and how to take action on it, no matter how much time you think you do or do not have.

In session one, we will be talking all about VALUES.

In session two, we will move on to INTENTIONS.

In session three, we will finish by playing with PERSPECTIVES.

These recordings were originally part of a live series of playshops. Purchasing the course version gives you access to almost 90minutes of training and then you can access private 1:1 coaching via email (rather than the live coaching that happened at the original event). You also get 33% off any future live sessions, should you wish to go through the course again and get live coaching from yours truly 😘

If you are currently thinking, “I’m too busy to do this right now” – that is a sign that you SHOULD take this course (and I am a big fan of not shoulding on anyone, but that’s how important this is to me!), it’s the perfect time to get to grips with what is happening to make you feel overwhelmed and come away with skills to tackle it from day one.

Our culture teaches us to keep pushing forward, to keep going, don’t stop. This is your opportunity to practice dipping a toe (or heck, even take a big step!) towards the person you want to become by rejecting this premise and play with what your nervous system has been trying to tell you all along – SLOW DOWN! It’s not about adding more things to your to-do list, it’s about shifting your mindset to make it work FOR YOU. When your stress activation is always switched ON, the pull to fix things with short-term temporary habits is strong. This course will show you that there is a different way!

Here are some reviews from my coaching clients to give you an idea of what it’s like to play with me 🥰️

I highly recommend getting your brain coached with Emma! I had so many great takeaways from working with Emma that I will apply to my personal life and business. One of the biggest takeaways was learning how to think about the things I have to do in a more playful way. Now I think to myself, “how can I have fun with not-so-fun things like washing the dishes or putting the clothes away?” This has really helped me with getting things done and better yet, feel good in the process 😊 – Jess

Emma’s teachings have left me with a great sense of empowerment. I had 10 weekly sessions with her and honestly it’s been life-changing; I now have the tools to feel in control, motivated and able to work on my self-esteem. I would recommend Emma to anyone who wants to improve their sense of well-being. – Becky

What are you waiting for? Grab your VIP ticket today! 🎫

Once you purchase this course, your access is detailed on the confirmation page. Please make sure to read it before you close the window.

Your private 1:1 mini email coaching begins as soon as you have watched the first video!

Please don’t hesitate to email if you have any questions. Thank you 🙂